The 3 States Of Matter On Flowvella
Matter can exist in one of three main states are solid, liquid, or gas. 1.Solid:A substance that retains its size and shape without a container a substance whose molecules cannot move freely except to vibrate. Belkin switch2 for mac. Matter is made of atoms, and the arrangement of the atoms determines whether the substance is solid, liquid, or gas. Learn more about the three main states of matter in this kid-friendly video!

5e Lesson Plan Model Many of my science lessons are based upon and taught using the: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. This lesson plan model allows me to incorporate a variety of learning opportunities and strategies for students. With multiple learning experiences, students can gain new ideas, demonstrate thinking, draw conclusions, develop critical thinking skills, and interact with peers through discussions and hands-on activities. With each stage in this lesson model, I select strategies that will serve students best for the concepts and content being delivered to them. These strategies were selected for this lesson to facilitate peer discussions, participation in a group activity, reflective learning practices, and accountability for learning. Lesson Synopsis The States of Matter lesson begins with a states of matter characteristic card sort. Each card displays a word or phrase related to a solid, liquid, and gas.
Students discuss with their groups and arrange them on a sorting mat. Geoforum sverige. The lesson continues with a visual card sort (images of solids, liquids, and gases).
Students discuss characteristics from the previous activity to sort them into categories. Combining the two activities, students use a frayer model graphic organizer to define solid, liquid, and gas.
How to install bitdefender activation key. We enter a discussion about the particle theory and students create a visual model of the particles in a solid, liquid, and gas in their interactive notebook. I collect notebooks at the end of class and use their models as a formative assessment to check for student understanding. Next Generation Science Standards This lesson will address the following NGSS Standard(s): PS 1.3 Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties. PS 1.1 Develop a model to describe that matter is made of particles too small to be seen. Students are engaged in the following Scientific and Engineering Practices 2.) Developing and using models: Students diagram a model of the particles in a solid, liquid, and gas to describe how each one is made up. 8.) Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information: Using characteristics of the states of matters and the particle theory, students communicate their understanding of each one by describing the particle arrangement in each. The States of Matter lesson will correlate to other interdisciplinary areas. These Crosscutting Concepts include: 3.) Scale, Proportion, and Quantity: Students recognize natural objects exist from the very small to very large.